Mindful Moments – Comfort
4 minutes to Relax and Restore COMFORT. All of us want, need, savor comfort. Take a few moments with this practice to create and experience receiving and giving comfort.
4 minutes to Relax and Restore COMFORT. All of us want, need, savor comfort. Take a few moments with this practice to create and experience receiving and giving comfort.
NEW! A four-minute mindfulness voice memo AND the 20-minute version – how do you like the shorter format? This week, we explore the adventure of challenge. Recent challenge – I balanced on a ladder, handing things up to Bill, as he was dressed in a hazmat suit, googles, mask, gloves, hood and up in […]
As a writer, I’m interested in stories. So I gather them from people around me. I met a fascinating 83 year old walking her dog and she told me her life story, the ten minute version, which ranged from training as a prima-ballerina to heading the DOT under Clinton Administration to inventing/securing a patent/creating business. […]
Sometimes it’s best to approach something with the open, creative, simple demeanor of a child. Explore and enjoy this approach in a 20 -minute guided meditation.