What Drives Me, Too
I like to do things just because I think I can. Most times, the results make life better for me and others.
I like to do things just because I think I can. Most times, the results make life better for me and others.
“I need 250-500 words on what drives me,” I said to Bill. We’ve been together since 1979. “Want me to write that for you?” he deadpanned.
Neuroscience now looks at two types or curiosity. D-curiosity is – I wonder if I have an email, who might text me, what’s on TV tonight, why does that person have a rash, where can I go on vacation? What are my friends putting on You tube?I-Curiousity is what is this meaning of life, what […]
The tall and small.Bill walked Yogi our dog in the Intervale and came upon a 6 foot 12 inch man, running.Between his footsteps his dog, Peanut, scampered along in a blur of little legs. The dog was more the size of a squirrel and took 30 steps for every one man stride. And had plenty […]