Fall into the Fall
As a writer, I’m interested in stories. So I gather them from people around me. I met a fascinating 83 year old walking her dog and she told me her life story, the ten minute version, which ranged from training as a prima-ballerina to heading the DOT under Clinton Administration to inventing/securing a patent/creating business. Then she sold the business and put all her grandchildren through college.
My dog and her dog ran into her knees while playing and I was worried that she would get knocked over. She laughed- and said “I know how to fall”. I asked her how she learned that. And so the story started with the prima ballerina training.
To fall correctly and avoid injury, when there’s nothing else you can do, she said, her Russian ballet mistress taught her to – go limp and collapse. “And you will never break a bone or get hurt,” she said.
Hmm. I thought. here’s some wisdom in there for life and mindfulness. When there’s nothing else you can do – fall into the fall.