Bernie Sanders in Sidetracked
Madiu Chute, film editor, is working on the rough cut of Sidetracked. Editing will continue for the next several months. Here is her report this week.
“Currently, I am working on locking the picture, making sure everything is where it needs to be before we go in, and clean up the audio and the shots.”
Note – Picture lock is a stage in editing a film when all changes to the film cut have been done and approved in a low quality rough draft cut. Then comes online editing with the high quality footage and audio mixing.
For example, Madi will take the following clip of Bernie Sanders from 1980s and insert a bit of audio or visual into Sidetracked, for example, as audio on the radio in a van that picks up Mari and Jack hitchhiking to Burlington, or on a TV in the Burlington bar where the young couple have a drink.
The radio or TV clip will give a time placement for the film – Bernie just elected Mayor of Burlington – Remember the People’s Republic of Burlington? – and it will also add historic context to the film. In this clip Bernie talks about caring for the poor and elderly. The same things he is talking about today, forty years later!