Rusty DeWees joins Sidetracked Cast


“Ethan Allen meets Robert DeNiro”* Actor Rusty DeWees joins Sidetracked cast

Rusty DeWees of Elmore created the Vermontier-than-thou persona for his one-man show, the Logger.  DeWees will play Ralph, an 80s 50-something male chauvinist and bigot (none of those around today, right?) in the upcoming Vermont film, Sidetracked. While driving his van on the road from Bennington in 1981, Ralph picks up Mari and Jack, college kids and adventurers, hitchhiking to Burlington to start a life together. Production by Champlain College student crew. Script by Vermonter Andrea O’Connor. Premier in Burlington, New Year’s Eve, 2021.

“Not to judge but Ralph fits in a mold that offers an actor a lot to play with,” says Dewees. 

Pitch in $10 (or more!) to support Rusty, Vermont students, local actors and this local arts project. The film addresses cultural/social issues from the 80s that have impacted today’s world.

Stay tuned for more cast news and notes from the film crew as they prepare to shoot on location in Burlington, May 2021.  And watch for Rusty’s second book of short stories, Scawlins Too, in bookstores, Fall 2021.


* from Seven Days, September 15, 1999.

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